
About Dentures
If you’re considering getting dentures to restore your smile, Dr. David Ngo at S&L Dental will gladly fit you with a comfortable, natural-looking set to replace your missing teeth. Being in the position of needing dentures can bring a lot of worry and questions about what types of dentures are available and best suit you, as well as what to expect from using them. Rest assured that Dr. Ngo will give you the time and attention you need to ask questions and get the answers to help you make an informed decision about removable and implant dentures in our Paradise Valley dental office.
Dentures Q & A
To help you better understand dentures and what they can do for you, we’re answering some common questions about them. Then you’ll know more about what they are, how they’re used, and how to take care of them.
What Are Dentures?
Dentures are artificial teeth and gums created by a dentist that conform to your mouth and replace missing teeth. They can be either full or partial to replace all teeth on the top or bottom or just a few that are missing. Modern dentures are made with hard resin, and the teeth are more fragile and wear down quicker than natural teeth. You need to replace your dentures roughly every five years.
What Is the Difference Between Partial and Full Dentures?
Partial dentures are used as a replacement when more than one or two teeth have been lost and the surrounding natural teeth are too weak to support a bridge or other dental structure. Full dentures are also known as complete dentures, and they replace all of your teeth. They fit the full arch of your top or bottom gum line, and they use suction or an adhesive to stay in place. Both partial and full dentures are easily removable for sleeping and cleaning.
What Types of Dentures Does S&L Dental Offer?
Dr. Ngo can provide both removable dentures and implant dentures in our Paradise Valley dental office, depending on what you need. Removable dentures stay right on your gum line and can be taken out easily to clean them or when you go to bed. Implant dentures attach to metal posts implanted in your jawbone for a much more secure fit.
Get Your Questions Answered at S&L Dental
Dr. Ngo understands that getting dentures is a big step into a new stage of your dental life needs. He’s happy to answer your questions and give you further insight into what types of dentures you need and how to care for your oral health. If you’re ready to find out more about dentures and other cosmetic dental services for Scottsdale and Paradise Valley, AZ available to you here at S&L Dental, call us today to schedule an appointment.
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